Early Registration (September 24th, Main Conference) (October 14th, WS/SS/T/IT) Late/On Site Registration (October 17th all)
IEEE Member Fee US $860 US $1.075
Non - IEEE Member Fee US $1.075 US $1.345
Student IEEE Member Fee US $500 US $625
Student Non - IEEE Member Fee US $600 US $750
Life/Retired IEEE Member Fee US $500 US $625
Participant without paper US $500 US $500

We recommend you check the instructions for registration and payment in this link.

Important Information

  1. Student Registration: A student claiming a student registration must submit: (1) a scanned copy of the student's ID card, (2) a verification letter of the student's full-time status from the department head of the student's current institution or the student's supervisor, and (3) the registration confirmation number to registrations@webintelligence2018.com. Email subject: [Student Registration] Name, Affiliation. Student registrations are not applicable to postdoctoral fellows.

  2. IEEE Member Registration: IEEE Members (including professional members and student members) and IEEE Computer Society Members (including professional members and student members) must provide their Membership Number for verification.

  3. Author Registration: All authors must follow the author registration policies:

    • Every accepted paper, including conference, workshop papers, and industry track papers, must have at least one author to register using the full registration rate (an "IEEE Member" or a "Non-IEEE Member" rate).
    • If you authored more than one accepted paper, you (or at least one of the authors) should register for each additional paper (both conference and workshop papers). In other words, each accepted paper requires a separate registration. If one author registers more than one paper, the additional papers (both conference and workshop papers, and even if the second paper is a workshop paper when the first was a conference one) can be registered using the "extra paper registration rate" (US$500 per second paper, and US$300 per third paper).

    • Deadline for all registrations is October 17, 2018

    • Any paper that does not come with a registration after the deadlines will be removed from the proceedings and the conference program.

    • Registration for participants without paper will be open till the day of the conference, maintaining the same price.

    • Visa Support Letters: The conference is able to provide visa support letters to attendees and authors after the registrations are confirmed. For aditional information, see Traveller’s Information

    • All registrations include: admission to all four days of technical programs (keynotes, tutorials, workshops, parallel sessions for paper presentations, industry sessions, etc.), morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunch, receptions, banquet and city tour.

    • Each registration (including student registration) will receive one proceedings.

    • Registrants can choose to purchase extra banquet tickets. Authors can choose to pay for extra paper pages with a maximum of 2 pages. The prices are listed in the Extra Charges Table.

Extra charges US$
Pre-conference Reception $30
Welcome Reception $40
Banquet and Award Ceremony $150
City Tour $20
Extra page $100

Note: All prices are in American Dollars (US$).
